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Engineering is a field of practice and application to solve real-world problems. Active learning environments are best suited to allow students the ability to work on complex open-ended problems, hands-on projects, collaborate with peers, and employ creative problem solving strategies.


In these workshops, we use a blend of experiential learning and hands-on projects to facilitate higher order cognitive thinking (Bloom's Taxonomy) and build engineering intuition.


Guided workshops provide step by step support to build students skills in software and hardware. Hands-on workshops provide students with the ability to build, create, test, and iterate.  Opportunities to reflect and connect with theory courses are found in the projects themselves to reinforce foundational skills in physics, math, and engineering.



Credit: Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching


Credit: Mohawk College


  • Programming

  • Software Simulation and Analysis (Solidworks, ANSYS)

  • Robotics and Mechatronics

  • Systems Thinking

  • Hardware - Software Interface

  • Circuits and Electronics

  • Computational Tools (MATLAB)

  • Troubleshooting

  • Problem-Solving

  • Teamwork and Communication

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